WORK WIFE (Two in Tucson Book 1)

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Iris & Emmanuel

Iris Faldon is at Norgate & Carr to work. Period. Despite knowing almost nothing about architecture, she landed a job with one of the top firms in the country. Iris is still recovering from a divorce and wants to stay away from relationships for a while. Too bad her new boss is so attractive, intriguing, and seems to notice her, not just for her design talents.

Emmanuel Carr wishes he could forget the last work romance he had, the one that left the office criminally damaged. But he’s connecting with the new office assistant so well that he’s starting to re-think the no-dating policy he helped put in place at the firm. The staff is beginning to wonder what’s going on between him and Iris. To be honest, he’s wondering, too.

  • Grumpy/snarky
  • Clean workplace rom com
  • Flirty, witty banter with the boss
  • Punk music
  • Tucson!
  • Criminal use of a stapler

Read a sneak peek of Chapter 1


DOCTOR’s ORDERS (Two in Tucson Book 2)

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Kenna & Logan

Kenna Summers is under strict orders to stay away from love. After a panic attack landed her in the hospital, her therapist prescribed a nice, long break, including avoiding romance. When Kenna heard her aunt needed help with her retirement community store in Arizona, Kenna jumped at the chance to get away. Surrounded by nothing but desert and elderly golfers, Kenna is sure she can hide out and recuperate. So when a handsome young physician shows up in the neighborhood, Kenna isn’t sure she can follow her doctor’s orders.

Dr. Logan Blakeborough is in Arizona to help his dad recover from an injury while they both grieve the loss of Logan’s mom. He isn’t sure he could ever get as close to someone as his parents were to each other because he’s seeing first-hand how the loss is affecting his dad. When he meets Kenna, a cheerful klutz who needs his help, he finds himself rethinking his need to stay away from love.

  • Off-limits romance
  • Doctor rom com
  • Flirty, witty banter 
  • Yodeling cowboys
  • So many tacos!

Doctor’s Orders is a clean, witty romantic comedy with unforgettable characters. Although it’s part of the Two in Tucson set, it’s a standalone book.


BET THE RANCH (two in Tucson Book 3)

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Celeste & Gabe

Celeste would rather be riding horses that selling houses, but she’s stuck doing real estate until she can afford a ranch of her own in Tucson. The problem is, she’s running out of time to find prospective clients before she has to give up on her dreams altogether. That’s when she meets Gabe, the smart, handsome, sweet grandson of an elderly woman looking to buy a modest house. Celeste starts falling for Gabe as they spend time together looking for houses and riding horses in the desert. When Celeste gets a shot at selling a Cloud Nine Ranch, things start unraveling, and Celeste begins to wonder if Gabe is hiding something.

Gabe is glad to discover that being in Tucson a welcome break from fame. He’s even happier to discover that his grandma’s beautiful real estate agent Celeste is interested in him—without knowing the size of his bank accounts. But he can’t keep his fame and fortune secret for long, especially when protesters start digging into the sale of Cloud Nine Ranch.

Bet the Ranch is a quirky, laugh-out-loud, clean romantic comedy with characters you’ll adore.